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Cities in Oklahoma
- Achille, OK - 74720
- Ada, OK - 74820-74821
- Adair, OK - 74330
- Adams, OK - 73901
- Addington, OK - 73520
- Afton, OK - 74331
- Agra, OK - 74824
- Albany, OK - 74721
- Albert, OK - 73001
- Albion, OK - 74521
- Alderson, OK - 74522
- Alex, OK - 73002
- Aline, OK - 73716
- Allen, OK - 74825
- Altus AFB, OK - 73523
- Altus, OK - 73521-73522
- Alva, OK - 73717
- Amber, OK - 73004
- Ames, OK - 73718
- Amorita, OK - 73719
- Anadarko, OK - 73005
- Antlers, OK - 74523
- Apache, OK - 73006
- Arapaho, OK - 73620
- Arcadia, OK - 73007
- Ardmore, OK - 73401-73403
- Arkoma, OK - 74901
- Arnett, OK - 73832
- Asher, OK - 74826
- Atoka, OK - 74525, 74542
- Atwood, OK - 74827
- Avant, OK - 74001
- Balko, OK - 73931
- Barnsdall, OK - 74002
- Bartlesville, OK - 74003-74006
- Battiest, OK - 74722
- Beaver, OK - 73932
- Beggs, OK - 74421
- Bennington, OK - 74723
- Bessie, OK - 73622
- Bethany, OK - 73008
- Bethel, OK - 74724
- Big Cabin, OK - 74332
- Billings, OK - 74630
- Binger, OK - 73009
- Bison, OK - 73720
- Bixby, OK - 74008
- Blackwell, OK - 74631
- Blair, OK - 73526
- Blanchard, OK - 73010
- Blanco, OK - 74528
- Blocker, OK - 74529
- Bluejacket, OK - 74333
- Boise City, OK - 73933
- Bokchito, OK - 74726
- Bokoshe, OK - 74930
- Boley, OK - 74829
- Boswell, OK - 74727
- Bowlegs, OK - 74830
- Bowring Cpo, OK - 74009
- Boynton, OK - 74422
- Bradley, OK - 73011
- Braggs, OK - 74423, 74439
- Braman, OK - 74632
- Bray, OK - 73012
- Bristow, OK - 74010
- Broken Arrow, OK - 74011-74014
- Broken Bow, OK - 74728
- Bromide, OK - 74530
- Buffalo, OK - 73834
- Bunch, OK - 74931
- Burbank, OK - 74633
- Burlington, OK - 73722
- Burneyville, OK - 73430
- Burns Flat, OK - 73624
- Butler, OK - 73625
- Byars, OK - 74831
- Cache, OK - 73527
- Caddo, OK - 74729
- Calera, OK - 74730
- Calumet, OK - 73014
- Calvin, OK - 74531
- Camargo, OK - 73835
- Cameron, OK - 74932
- Canadian, OK - 74425
- Caney, OK - 74533
- Canton, OK - 73724
- Canute, OK - 73626
- Cardin, OK - 74335
- Carmen, OK - 73726
- Carnegie, OK - 73015
- Carney, OK - 74832
- Carrier, OK - 73727
- Carter, OK - 73627
- Cartwright, OK - 74731
- Cashion, OK - 73016
- Castle, OK - 74833
- Catoosa, OK - 74015
- Cement, OK - 73017
- Centrahoma, OK - 74534
- Chandler, OK - 74834
- Chattanooga, OK - 73528
- Checotah, OK - 74426
- Chelsea, OK - 74016
- Cherokee, OK - 73728
- Chester, OK - 73838
- Cheyenne, OK - 73628
- Chickasha, OK - 73018, 73023
- Choctaw, OK - 73020
- Chouteau, OK - 74337
- Claremore, OK - 74017-74019
- Clarita, OK - 74535
- Clayton, OK - 74536
- Cleo Springs, OK - 73729
- Cleveland, OK - 74020
- Clinton, OK - 73601
- Coalgate, OK - 74538
- Colbert, OK - 74733
- Colcord, OK - 74338
- Coleman, OK - 73432
- Collinsville, OK - 74021
- Colony, OK - 73021
- Comanche, OK - 73529
- Commerce, OK - 74339
- Concho, OK - 73022
- Connerville, OK - 74836
- Cookson, OK - 74427
- Copan, OK - 74022
- Cordell, OK - 73632
- Corn, OK - 73024
- Council Hill, OK - 74428
- Countyline, OK - 73425
- Covington, OK - 73730
- Coweta, OK - 74429
- Coyle, OK - 73027
- Crawford, OK - 73638
- Crescent, OK - 73028
- Cromwell, OK - 74837
- Crowder, OK - 74430
- Cushing, OK - 74023
- Custer City, OK - 73639
- Cyril, OK - 73029
- Dacoma, OK - 73731
- Daisy, OK - 74540
- Davenport, OK - 74026
- Davidson, OK - 73530
- Davis, OK - 73030, 73039
- Deer Creek, OK - 74636
- Delaware, OK - 74027
- Depew, OK - 74028
- Devol, OK - 73531
- Dewar, OK - 74431
- Dewey, OK - 74029
- Dibble, OK - 73031
- Dill City, OK - 73641
- Disney, OK - 74340
- Dougherty, OK - 73032
- Douglas, OK - 73733
- Dover, OK - 73734
- Drummond, OK - 73735
- Drumright, OK - 74030
- Duke, OK - 73532
- Duncan, OK - 73533-73536, 73575
- Durant, OK - 74701-74702
- Durham, OK - 73642
- Dustin, OK - 74839
- Eagletown, OK - 74734
- Eakly, OK - 73033
- Earlsboro, OK - 74840
- Edmond, OK - 73003, 73013, 73025, 73034, 73083
- El Reno, OK - 73036
- Eldorado, OK - 73537
- Elgin, OK - 73538
- Elk City, OK - 73644, 73648
- Elmer, OK - 73539
- Elmore City, OK - 73433
- Enid, OK - 73701-73706
- Erick, OK - 73645
- Eucha, OK - 74342
- Eufaula, OK - 74432
- Fairfax, OK - 74637
- Fairland, OK - 74343
- Fairmont, OK - 73736
- Fairview, OK - 73737
- Fanshawe, OK - 74935
- Fargo, OK - 73840
- Faxon, OK - 73540
- Fay, OK - 73646
- Felt, OK - 73937
- Finley, OK - 74543
- Fittstown, OK - 74842
- Fitzhugh, OK - 74843
- Fletcher, OK - 73541
- Forgan, OK - 73938
- Fort Cobb, OK - 73038
- Fort Gibson, OK - 74434
- Fort Sill, OK - 73503
- Fort Supply, OK - 73841
- Fort Towson, OK - 74735
- Foss, OK - 73647
- Foster, OK - 73434
- Fox, OK - 73435
- Foyil, OK - 74031
- Francis, OK - 74844
- Frederick, OK - 73542
- Freedom, OK - 73842
- Gage, OK - 73843
- Gans, OK - 74936
- Garber, OK - 73738
- Garvin, OK - 74736
- Gate, OK - 73844
- Geary, OK - 73040
- Gene Autry, OK - 73436
- Geronimo, OK - 73543
- Glencoe, OK - 74032
- Glenpool, OK - 74033
- Golden, OK - 74737
- Goltry, OK - 73739
- Goodwell, OK - 73939
- Gore, OK - 74435
- Gotebo, OK - 73041
- Gould, OK - 73544
- Gowen, OK - 74545
- Gracemont, OK - 73042
- Graham, OK - 73437
- Grandfield, OK - 73546
- Granite, OK - 73547
- Grant, OK - 74738
- Greenfield, OK - 73043
- Grove, OK - 74344-74345
- Guthrie, OK - 73044
- Guymon, OK - 73942
- Haileyville, OK - 74546
- Hallett, OK - 74034
- Hammon, OK - 73650
- Hanna, OK - 74845
- Hardesty, OK - 73944
- Harrah, OK - 73045
- Hartshorne, OK - 74547
- Haskell, OK - 74436
- Hastings, OK - 73548
- Haworth, OK - 74740
- Headrick, OK - 73549
- Healdton, OK - 73438
- Heavener, OK - 74937
- Helena, OK - 73741
- Hendrix, OK - 74741
- Hennepin, OK - 73444
- Hennessey, OK - 73742
- Henryetta, OK - 74437
- Hillsdale, OK - 73743
- Hinton, OK - 73047
- Hitchcock, OK - 73744
- Hitchita, OK - 74438
- Hobart, OK - 73651
- Hodgen, OK - 74939
- Holdenville, OK - 74848
- Hollis, OK - 73550
- Hollister, OK - 73551
- Hominy, OK - 74035
- Honobia, OK - 74549
- Hooker, OK - 73945
- Hopeton, OK - 73746
- Howe, OK - 74940
- Hoyt, OK - 74440
- Hugo, OK - 74743
- Hulbert, OK - 74441
- Hunter, OK - 74640
- Hydro, OK - 73048
- Idabel, OK - 74745
- Indiahoma, OK - 73552
- Indianola, OK - 74442
- Inola, OK - 74036
- Isabella, OK - 73747
- Jay, OK - 74346
- Jenks, OK - 74037
- Jennings, OK - 74038
- Jet, OK - 73749
- Jones, OK - 73049
- Kansas, OK - 74347
- Kaw City, OK - 74641
- Kellyville, OK - 74039
- Kemp, OK - 74747
- Kenefic, OK - 74748
- Kenton, OK - 73946
- Keota, OK - 74941
- Ketchum, OK - 74349
- Keyes, OK - 73947
- Kiefer, OK - 74041
- Kingfisher, OK - 73750
- Kingston, OK - 73439
- Kinta, OK - 74552
- Kiowa, OK - 74553
- Knowles, OK - 73847
- Konawa, OK - 74849
- Krebs, OK - 74554
- Kremlin, OK - 73753
- Lahoma, OK - 73754
- Lamar, OK - 74850
- Lamont, OK - 74643
- Lane, OK - 74555
- Langley, OK - 74350
- Langston, OK - 73050
- Laverne, OK - 73848
- Lawton, OK - 73501-73502, 73505-73507
- Lebanon, OK - 73440
- Leedey, OK - 73654
- Leflore, OK - 74942
- Lehigh, OK - 74556
- Lenapah, OK - 74042
- Leon, OK - 73441
- Leonard, OK - 74043
- Lequire, OK - 74943
- Lexington, OK - 73051
- Lindsay, OK - 73052
- Loco, OK - 73442
- Locust Grove, OK - 74352
- Lone Grove, OK - 73443
- Lone Wolf, OK - 73655
- Longdale, OK - 73755
- Lookeba, OK - 73053
- Loveland, OK - 73553
- Loyal, OK - 73756
- Lucien, OK - 73757
- Luther, OK - 73054
- Macomb, OK - 74852
- Madill, OK - 73446
- Manchester, OK - 73758
- Mangum, OK - 73554
- Manitou, OK - 73555
- Mannford, OK - 74044
- Mannsville, OK - 73447
- Maramec, OK - 74045
- Marble City, OK - 74945
- Marietta, OK - 73448
- Marland, OK - 74644
- Marlow, OK - 73055
- Marshall, OK - 73056
- Martha, OK - 73556
- Maud, OK - 74854
- May, OK - 73851
- Maysville, OK - 73057
- McAlester, OK - 74501-74502
- McCurtain, OK - 74944
- McLoud, OK - 74851
- Mead, OK - 73449
- Medford, OK - 73759
- Medicine Park, OK - 73557
- Meeker, OK - 74855
- Meers, OK - 73558
- Meno, OK - 73760
- Meridian, OK - 73058
- Miami, OK - 74354-74355
- Milburn, OK - 73450
- Milfay, OK - 74046
- Mill Creek, OK - 74856
- Millerton, OK - 74750
- Minco, OK - 73059
- Moffett, OK - 74946
- Monroe, OK - 74947
- Moodys, OK - 74444
- Mooreland, OK - 73852
- Morris, OK - 74445
- Morrison, OK - 73061
- Mounds, OK - 74047
- Mountain Park, OK - 73559
- Mountain View, OK - 73062
- Moyers, OK - 74557
- Muldrow, OK - 74948
- Mulhall, OK - 73063
- Muse, OK - 74949
- Muskogee, OK - 74401-74403
- Mustang, OK - 73064
- Mutual, OK - 73853
- Nardin, OK - 74646
- Nash, OK - 73761
- Nashoba, OK - 74558
- Newalla, OK - 74857
- Newcastle, OK - 73065
- Newkirk, OK - 74647
- Nicoma Park, OK - 73066
- Ninnekah, OK - 73067
- Noble, OK - 73068
- Norman, OK - 73019, 73026, 73069-73072
- North Miami, OK - 74358
- Nowata, OK - 74048
- Oakhurst, OK - 74050
- Oaks, OK - 74359
- Oakwood, OK - 73658
- Ochelata, OK - 74051
- Oilton, OK - 74052
- Okarche, OK - 73762
- Okay, OK - 74446
- O'Keene, OK - 73763
- Okemah, OK - 74859
- Oklahoma City, OK - 73101-73199
- Okmulgee, OK - 74447
- Oktaha, OK - 74450
- Olustee, OK - 73560
- Omega, OK - 73764
- Oologah, OK - 74053
- Orlando, OK - 73073
- Osage, OK - 74054
- Oscar, OK - 73561
- Overbrook, OK - 73453
- Owasso, OK - 74055
- Paden, OK - 74860
- Panama, OK - 74951
- Panola, OK - 74559
- Paoli, OK - 73074
- Park Hill, OK - 74451
- Pauls Valley, OK - 73075
- Pawhuska, OK - 74056
- Pawnee, OK - 74058
- Peggs, OK - 74452
- Perkins, OK - 74059
- Pernell, OK - 73476
- Perry, OK - 73077
- Picher, OK - 74360
- Pickens, OK - 74752
- Piedmont, OK - 73078
- Pittsburg, OK - 74560
- Platter, OK - 74753
- Pocasset, OK - 73079
- Pocola, OK - 74902
- Ponca City, OK - 74601-74604
- Pond Creek, OK - 73766
- Porter, OK - 74454
- Porum, OK - 74455
- Poteau, OK - 74953
- Prague, OK - 74864
- Preston, OK - 74456
- Proctor, OK - 74457
- Prue, OK - 74060
- Pryor, OK - 74361-74362
- Purcell, OK - 73080
- Putnam, OK - 73659
- Quapaw, OK - 74363
- Quinton, OK - 74561
- Ralston, OK - 74650
- Ramona, OK - 74061
- Randlett, OK - 73562
- Ratliff City, OK - 73481
- Rattan, OK - 74562
- Ravia, OK - 73455
- Red Oak, OK - 74563
- Red Rock, OK - 74651
- Redbird, OK - 74458
- Rentiesville, OK - 74459
- Reydon, OK - 73660
- Ringling, OK - 73456
- Ringold, OK - 74754
- Ringwood, OK - 73768
- Ripley, OK - 74062
- Rocky, OK - 73661
- Roff, OK - 74865
- Roland, OK - 74954
- Roosevelt, OK - 73564
- Rose, OK - 74364
- Rosston, OK - 73855
- Rufe, OK - 74755
- Rush Springs, OK - 73082
- Ryan, OK - 73565
- Saint Louis, OK - 74866
- Salina, OK - 74365
- Sallisaw, OK - 74955
- Sand Springs, OK - 74063
- Sapulpa, OK - 74066-74067
- Sasakwa, OK - 74867
- Savanna, OK - 74565
- Sawyer, OK - 74756
- Sayre, OK - 73662
- Schulter, OK - 74460
- Seiling, OK - 73663
- Seminole, OK - 74818, 74868
- Sentinel, OK - 73664
- Shady Point, OK - 74956
- Shamrock, OK - 74068
- Sharon, OK - 73857
- Shattuck, OK - 73858
- Shawnee, OK - 74801-74804
- Shidler, OK - 74652
- Skiatook, OK - 74070
- Slick, OK - 74071
- Smithville, OK - 74957
- Snow, OK - 74567
- Snyder, OK - 73566
- Soper, OK - 74759
- South Coffeyville, OK - 74072
- Southard, OK - 73770
- Sparks, OK - 74869
- Spavinaw, OK - 74366
- Spencer, OK - 73084
- Spencerville, OK - 74760
- Sperry, OK - 74073
- Spiro, OK - 74959
- Springer, OK - 73458
- Sterling, OK - 73567
- Stidham, OK - 74461
- Stigler, OK - 74462
- Stillwater, OK - 74074-74078
- Stilwell, OK - 74960
- Stonewall, OK - 74871
- Strang, OK - 74367
- Stratford, OK - 74872
- Stringtown, OK - 74569
- Stroud, OK - 74079
- Stuart, OK - 74570
- Sulphur, OK - 73086
- Sweetwater, OK - 73666
- Swink, OK - 74761
- Taft, OK - 74463
- Tahlequah, OK - 74464-74465
- Talala, OK - 74080
- Talihina, OK - 74571
- Taloga, OK - 73667
- Tatums, OK - 73487
- Tecumseh, OK - 74873
- Temple, OK - 73568
- Terlton, OK - 74081
- Terral, OK - 73569
- Texhoma, OK - 73949
- Texola, OK - 73668
- Thackerville, OK - 73459
- Thomas, OK - 73669
- Tipton, OK - 73570
- Tishomingo, OK - 73460
- Tonkawa, OK - 74653
- Tryon, OK - 74875
- Tullahassee, OK - 74466
- Tulsa, OK - 74101-74194
- Tupelo, OK - 74572
- Turpin, OK - 73950
- Tuskahoma, OK - 74574
- Tussy, OK - 73488
- Tuttle, OK - 73089
- Twin Oaks, OK - 74368
- Tyrone, OK - 73951
- Union City, OK - 73090
- Valliant, OK - 74764
- Velma, OK - 73491
- Vera, OK - 74082
- Verden, OK - 73092
- Vian, OK - 74962
- Vici, OK - 73859
- Vinita, OK - 74301
- Vinson, OK - 73571
- Wagoner, OK - 74467, 74477
- Wainwright, OK - 74468
- Wakita, OK - 73771
- Walters, OK - 73572
- Wanette, OK - 74878
- Wann, OK - 74083
- Wapanucka, OK - 73461
- Wardville, OK - 74576
- Warner, OK - 74469
- Washington, OK - 73093
- Washita, OK - 73094
- Watonga, OK - 73772
- Watson, OK - 74963
- Watts, OK - 74964
- Waukomis, OK - 73773
- Waurika, OK - 73573
- Wayne, OK - 73095
- Waynoka, OK - 73860
- Weatherford, OK - 73096
- Webbers Falls, OK - 74470
- Welch, OK - 74369
- Weleetka, OK - 74880
- Welling, OK - 74471
- Wellston, OK - 74881
- Westville, OK - 74965
- Wetumka, OK - 74883
- Wewoka, OK - 74884
- Wheatland, OK - 73097
- Whitefield, OK - 74472
- Whitesboro, OK - 74577
- Wilburton, OK - 74578
- Willow, OK - 73673
- Wilson, OK - 73463
- Wister, OK - 74966
- Woodward, OK - 73801-73802
- Wright City, OK - 74766
- Wyandotte, OK - 74370
- Wynnewood, OK - 73098
- Wynona, OK - 74084
- Yale, OK - 74085
- Yukon, OK - 73085, 73099
Oklahoma Payroll Services
Payroll Service Directory and Price Quotes

Free Oklahoma Payroll Service Price Quotes
Fill out our short form to get free rates for business payrolls.
Oklahoma Payroll Service Companies
9663 E 28th St
Tulsa OK 74129918-627-2419
Accurate Accounting
4419 E 19th Ave
Stillwater OK 74074405-743-3550
ADP - Automatic Data Processing, Inc
13800 Benson RD
Edmond OK 73013405-507-1700
ADP - Automatic Data Processing, Inc
4111 S Darlington Ave
Tulsa OK 74135918-632-7800
ADP - Automatic Data Processing, Inc
4013 NW Expressway St
Oklahoma City OK 73116405-507-1700
3613 NW 56th St
Oklahoma City OK 73112405-949-7654
Paychex, Inc
525 Central Park Dr
Oklahoma City OK 73105405-947-8869
Paychex, Inc
9810 E 42nd St
Tulsa OK 74146918-663-2221
4005 NW Expressway
Oklahoma City OK 73116405-841-6900
5100 E Skelly Dr
Tulsa OK 74135918-497-1030
Payday Payroll Services
14040 Osage Dr
Edmond OK 73013405-749-8962
Payroll Plus, Inc
3242 NW 50th St
Oklahoma City OK 73112405-917-9988
Payroll Services, Inc
1900 N Macarthur Blvd
Oklahoma City OK 73127405-942-4335
Southwestern Payroll Service
11008 E 51st St
Tulsa OK 74146918-587-3321
Tucker's Payroll Solutions
910 N Park Dr
Broken Bow OK 74728580-584-2001
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