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Cities in Kansas
- Abbyville, KS - 67510
- Abilene, KS - 67410
- Admire, KS - 66830
- Agenda, KS - 66930
- Agra, KS - 67621
- Albert, KS - 67511
- Alden, KS - 67512
- Alexander, KS - 67513
- Allen, KS - 66833
- Alma, KS - 66401
- Almena, KS - 67622
- Alta Vista, KS - 66834
- Altamont, KS - 67330
- Alton, KS - 67623
- Altoona, KS - 66710
- Americus, KS - 66835
- Andale, KS - 67001
- Andover, KS - 67002
- Anthony, KS - 67003
- Arcadia, KS - 66711
- Argonia, KS - 67004
- Arkansas City, KS - 67005
- Arlington, KS - 67514
- Arma, KS - 66712
- Arnold, KS - 67515
- Ashland, KS - 67831
- Assaria, KS - 67416
- Atchison, KS - 66002
- Athol, KS - 66932
- Atlanta, KS - 67008
- Attica, KS - 67009
- Atwood, KS - 67730
- Auburn, KS - 66402
- Augusta, KS - 67010
- Aurora, KS - 67417
- Axtell, KS - 66403
- Baileyville, KS - 66404
- Baldwin City, KS - 66006
- Barnard, KS - 67418
- Barnes, KS - 66933
- Bartlett, KS - 67332
- Basehor, KS - 66007
- Baxter Springs, KS - 66713
- Bazine, KS - 67516
- Beattie, KS - 66406
- Beaumont, KS - 67012
- Beeler, KS - 67518
- Belle Plaine, KS - 67013
- Belleville, KS - 66935
- Beloit, KS - 67420
- Belpre, KS - 67519
- Belvue, KS - 66407
- Bendena, KS - 66008
- Benedict, KS - 66714
- Bennington, KS - 67422
- Bentley, KS - 67016
- Benton, KS - 67017
- Bern, KS - 66408
- Berryton, KS - 66409
- Beverly, KS - 67423
- Bird City, KS - 67731
- Bison, KS - 67520
- Blue Mound, KS - 66010
- Blue Rapids, KS - 66411
- Bluff City, KS - 67018
- Bogue, KS - 67625
- Bonner Springs, KS - 66012
- Bremen, KS - 66412
- Brewster, KS - 67732
- Bronson, KS - 66716
- Brookville, KS - 67425
- Brownell, KS - 67521
- Bucklin, KS - 67834
- Bucyrus, KS - 66013
- Buffalo, KS - 66717
- Buhler, KS - 67522
- Bunker Hill, KS - 67626
- Burden, KS - 67019
- Burdett, KS - 67523
- Burdick, KS - 66838
- Burlingame, KS - 66413
- Burlington, KS - 66839
- Burns, KS - 66840
- Burr Oak, KS - 66936
- Burrton, KS - 67020
- Bushton, KS - 67427
- Byers, KS - 67021
- Caldwell, KS - 67022
- Cambridge, KS - 67023
- Caney, KS - 67333
- Canton, KS - 67428
- Carbondale, KS - 66414
- Cassoday, KS - 66842
- Catharine, KS - 67627
- Cawker City, KS - 67430
- Cedar Point, KS - 66843
- Cedar Vale, KS - 67024
- Cedar, KS - 67628
- Centerville, KS - 66014
- Centralia, KS - 66415
- Chanute, KS - 66720
- Chapman, KS - 67431
- Chase, KS - 67524
- Chautauqua, KS - 67334
- Cheney, KS - 67025
- Cherokee, KS - 66724
- Cherryvale, KS - 67335
- Chetopa, KS - 67336
- Cimarron, KS - 67835
- Circleville, KS - 66416
- Claflin, KS - 67525
- Clay Center, KS - 67432
- Clayton, KS - 67629
- Clearview City, KS - 66019
- Clearwater, KS - 67026
- Clifton, KS - 66937
- Clyde, KS - 66938
- Coats, KS - 67028
- Coffeyville, KS - 67337
- Colby, KS - 67701
- Coldwater, KS - 67029
- Collyer, KS - 67631
- Colony, KS - 66015
- Columbus, KS - 66725
- Colwich, KS - 67030
- Concordia, KS - 66901
- Conway Springs, KS - 67031
- Coolidge, KS - 67836
- Copeland, KS - 67837
- Corning, KS - 66417
- Cottonwood Falls, KS - 66845
- Council Grove, KS - 66846
- Courtland, KS - 66939
- Coyville, KS - 66727
- Crestline, KS - 66728
- Cuba, KS - 66940
- Cummings, KS - 66016
- Cunningham, KS - 67035
- Damar, KS - 67632
- Danville, KS - 67036
- De Soto, KS - 66018
- Dearing, KS - 67340
- Deerfield, KS - 67838
- Delia, KS - 66418
- Delphos, KS - 67436
- Denison, KS - 66419
- Dennis, KS - 67341
- Denton, KS - 66017
- Derby, KS - 67037
- Dexter, KS - 67038
- Dighton, KS - 67839
- Dodge City, KS - 67801
- Dorrance, KS - 67634
- Douglass, KS - 67039
- Dover, KS - 66420
- Downs, KS - 67437
- Dresden, KS - 67635
- Durham, KS - 67438
- Dwight, KS - 66849
- Easton, KS - 66020
- Edgerton, KS - 66021
- Edna, KS - 67342
- Edson, KS - 67733
- Edwardsville, KS - 66113
- Effingham, KS - 66023
- El Dorado, KS - 67042
- Elbing, KS - 67041
- Elk City, KS - 67344
- Elk Falls, KS - 67345
- Elkhart, KS - 67950
- Ellinwood, KS - 67526
- Ellis, KS - 67637
- Ellsworth, KS - 67439
- Elmdale, KS - 66850
- Elsmore, KS - 66732
- Elwood, KS - 66024
- Emmett, KS - 66422
- Emporia, KS - 66801
- Englewood, KS - 67840
- Ensign, KS - 67841
- Enterprise, KS - 67441
- Erie, KS - 66733
- Esbon, KS - 66941
- Eskridge, KS - 66423
- Eudora, KS - 66025
- Eureka, KS - 67045
- Everest, KS - 66424
- Fairview, KS - 66425
- Fall River, KS - 67047
- Falun, KS - 67442
- Farlington, KS - 66734
- Florence, KS - 66851
- Fontana, KS - 66026
- Ford, KS - 67842
- Formoso, KS - 66942
- Fort Dodge, KS - 67843
- Fort Leavenworth, KS - 66027
- Fort Riley, KS - 66442
- Fort Scott, KS - 66701
- Fostoria, KS - 66426
- Fowler, KS - 67844
- Frankfort, KS - 66427
- Franklin, KS - 66735
- Fredonia, KS - 66736
- Freeport, KS - 67049
- Frontenac, KS - 66763
- Fulton, KS - 66738
- Galena, KS - 66739
- Galesburg, KS - 66740
- Galva, KS - 67443
- Garden City, KS - 67846
- Garden Plain, KS - 67050
- Gardner, KS - 66030
- Garfield, KS - 67529
- Garland, KS - 66741
- Garnett, KS - 66032
- Gas, KS - 66742
- Gaylord, KS - 67638
- Gem, KS - 67734
- Geneseo, KS - 67444
- Geuda Springs, KS - 67051
- Girard, KS - 66743
- Glade, KS - 67639
- Glasco, KS - 67445
- Glen Elder, KS - 67446
- Goddard, KS - 67052
- Goessel, KS - 67053
- Goff, KS - 66428
- Goodland, KS - 67735
- Gorham, KS - 67640
- Gove, KS - 67736
- Grainfield, KS - 67737
- Grantville, KS - 66429
- Great Bend, KS - 67530
- Greeley, KS - 66033
- Green, KS - 67447
- Greenleaf, KS - 66943
- Greensburg, KS - 67054
- Greenwich, KS - 67055
- Grenola, KS - 67346
- Gridley, KS - 66852
- Grinnell, KS - 67738
- Gypsum, KS - 67448
- Haddam, KS - 66944
- Halstead, KS - 67056
- Hamilton, KS - 66853
- Hanover, KS - 66945
- Hanston, KS - 67849
- Hardtner, KS - 67057
- Harper, KS - 67058
- Hartford, KS - 66854
- Harveyville, KS - 66431
- Havana, KS - 67347
- Haven, KS - 67543
- Havensville, KS - 66432
- Haviland, KS - 67059
- Hays, KS - 67601
- Haysville, KS - 67060
- Hazelton, KS - 67061
- Healy, KS - 67850
- Hepler, KS - 66746
- Herington, KS - 67449
- Herndon, KS - 67739
- Hesston, KS - 67062
- Hiawatha, KS - 66434
- Highland, KS - 66035
- Hill City, KS - 67642
- Hillsboro, KS - 67063
- Hillsdale, KS - 66036
- Hoisington, KS - 67544
- Holcomb, KS - 67851
- Hollenberg, KS - 66946
- Holton, KS - 66436
- Holyrood, KS - 67450
- Home, KS - 66438
- Hope, KS - 67451
- Horton, KS - 66439
- Howard, KS - 67349
- Hoxie, KS - 67740
- Hoyt, KS - 66440
- Hudson, KS - 67545
- Hugoton, KS - 67951
- Humboldt, KS - 66748
- Hunter, KS - 67452
- Hutchinson, KS - 67501-67504
- Independence, KS - 67301
- Ingalls, KS - 67853
- Inman, KS - 67546
- Iola, KS - 66749
- Isabel, KS - 67065
- Iuka, KS - 67066
- Jamestown, KS - 66948
- Jennings, KS - 67643
- Jetmore, KS - 67854
- Jewell, KS - 66949
- Johnson, KS - 67855
- Junction City, KS - 66441
- Kanopolis, KS - 67454
- Kanorado, KS - 67741
- Kansas City, KS - 66101-66112, 66115-66160
- Kechi, KS - 67067
- Kendall, KS - 67857
- Kensington, KS - 66951
- Kincaid, KS - 66039
- Kingman, KS - 67068
- Kinsley, KS - 67547
- Kiowa, KS - 67070
- Kirwin, KS - 67644
- Kismet, KS - 67859
- La Crosse, KS - 67548
- La Cygne, KS - 66040
- La Harpe, KS - 66751
- Lake City, KS - 67071
- Lakin, KS - 67860
- Lamont, KS - 66855
- Lancaster, KS - 66041
- Lane, KS - 66042
- Lansing, KS - 66043
- Larned, KS - 67550
- Latham, KS - 67072
- Lawrence, KS - 66044-66047, 66049
- Le Roy, KS - 66857
- Leavenworth, KS - 66048
- Lebanon, KS - 66952
- Lebo, KS - 66856
- Lecompton, KS - 66050
- Lehigh, KS - 67073
- Lenora, KS - 67645
- Leon, KS - 67074
- Leonardville, KS - 66449
- Leoti, KS - 67861
- Levant, KS - 67743
- Lewis, KS - 67552
- Liberal, KS - 67901-67905
- Liberty, KS - 67351
- Liebenthal, KS - 67553
- Lincoln, KS - 67455
- Lincolnville, KS - 66858
- Lindsborg, KS - 67456
- Linn, KS - 66953
- Linwood, KS - 66052
- Little River, KS - 67457
- Logan, KS - 67646
- Long Island, KS - 67647
- Longford, KS - 67458
- Longton, KS - 67352
- Lorraine, KS - 67459
- Lost Springs, KS - 66859
- Louisburg, KS - 66053
- Louisville, KS - 66450
- Lucas, KS - 67648
- Ludell, KS - 67744
- Luray, KS - 67649
- Lyndon, KS - 66451
- Lyons, KS - 67554
- Macksville, KS - 67557
- Madison, KS - 66860
- Mahaska, KS - 66955
- Maize, KS - 67101
- Manhattan, KS - 66502-66506
- Mankato, KS - 66956
- Manter, KS - 67862
- Maple City, KS - 67102
- Maple Hill, KS - 66507
- Mapleton, KS - 66754
- Marienthal, KS - 67863
- Marion, KS - 66861
- Marquette, KS - 67464
- Marysville, KS - 66508, 66555
- Matfield Green, KS - 66862
- Mayetta, KS - 66509
- Mayfield, KS - 67103
- McConnell AFB, KS - 67221
- McCracken, KS - 67556
- McCune, KS - 66753
- McDonald, KS - 67745
- McFarland, KS - 66501
- McLouth, KS - 66054
- McPherson, KS - 67460
- Meade, KS - 67864
- Medicine Lodge, KS - 67104
- Melvern, KS - 66510
- Meriden, KS - 66512
- Milan, KS - 67105
- Milford, KS - 66514
- Milton, KS - 67106
- Miltonvale, KS - 67466
- Minneapolis, KS - 67467
- Minneola, KS - 67865
- Moline, KS - 67353
- Montezuma, KS - 67867
- Monument, KS - 67747
- Moran, KS - 66755
- Morganville, KS - 67468
- Morland, KS - 67650
- Morrill, KS - 66515
- Morrowville, KS - 66958
- Moscow, KS - 67952
- Mound City, KS - 66056
- Mound Valley, KS - 67354
- Moundridge, KS - 67107
- Mount Hope, KS - 67108
- Mulberry, KS - 66756
- Mullinville, KS - 67109
- Mulvane, KS - 67110
- Munden, KS - 66959
- Murdock, KS - 67111
- Muscotah, KS - 66058
- Narka, KS - 66960
- Nashville, KS - 67112
- Natoma, KS - 67651
- Neal, KS - 66863
- Nekoma, KS - 67559
- Neodesha, KS - 66757
- Neosho Falls, KS - 66758
- Neosho Rapids, KS - 66864
- Ness City, KS - 67560
- Netawaka, KS - 66516
- New Albany, KS - 66759
- New Cambria, KS - 67470
- New Century, KS - 66031
- Newton, KS - 67114
- Nickerson, KS - 67561
- Niotaze, KS - 67355
- Norcatur, KS - 67653
- North Newton, KS - 67117
- Norton, KS - 67654
- Nortonville, KS - 66060
- Norway, KS - 66961
- Norwich, KS - 67118
- Oakley, KS - 67748
- Oberlin, KS - 67749
- Offerle, KS - 67563
- Ogallah, KS - 67656
- Ogden, KS - 66517
- Oketo, KS - 66518
- Olathe, KS - 66051, 66061-66063
- Olmitz, KS - 67564
- Olpe, KS - 66865
- Olsburg, KS - 66520
- Onaga, KS - 66521
- Oneida, KS - 66522
- Opolis, KS - 66760
- Osage City, KS - 66523
- Osawatomie, KS - 66064
- Osborne, KS - 67473
- Oskaloosa, KS - 66066
- Oswego, KS - 67356
- Otis, KS - 67565
- Ottawa, KS - 66067
- Overbrook, KS - 66524
- Oxford, KS - 67119
- Ozawkie, KS - 66070
- Palco, KS - 67657
- Palmer, KS - 66962
- Paola, KS - 66071
- Paradise, KS - 67658
- Park, KS - 67751
- Parker, KS - 66072
- Parsons, KS - 67357
- Partridge, KS - 67566
- Pawnee Rock, KS - 67567
- Paxico, KS - 66526
- Peabody, KS - 66866
- Peck, KS - 67120
- Penokee, KS - 67659
- Perry, KS - 66073
- Peru, KS - 67360
- Pfeifer, KS - 67660
- Phillipsburg, KS - 67661
- Piedmont, KS - 67122
- Pierceville, KS - 67868
- Piqua, KS - 66761
- Pittsburg, KS - 66762
- Plains, KS - 67869
- Plainville, KS - 67663
- Pleasanton, KS - 66075
- Plevna, KS - 67568
- Pomona, KS - 66076
- Portis, KS - 67474
- Potter, KS - 66077
- Potwin, KS - 67123
- Powhattan, KS - 66527
- Prairie View, KS - 67664
- Pratt, KS - 67124
- Prescott, KS - 66767
- Pretty Prairie, KS - 67570
- Princeton, KS - 66078
- Protection, KS - 67127
- Quenemo, KS - 66528
- Quinter, KS - 67752
- Rago, KS - 67128
- Ramona, KS - 67475
- Randall, KS - 66963
- Randolph, KS - 66554
- Ransom, KS - 67572
- Rantoul, KS - 66079
- Raymond, KS - 67573
- Reading, KS - 66868
- Redfield, KS - 66769
- Republic, KS - 66964
- Rexford, KS - 67753
- Richfield, KS - 67953
- Richmond, KS - 66080
- Riley, KS - 66531
- Riverton, KS - 66770
- Robinson, KS - 66532
- Rock, KS - 67131
- Rolla, KS - 67954
- Rosalia, KS - 67132
- Rose Hill, KS - 67133
- Rossville, KS - 66533
- Roxbury, KS - 67476
- Rozel, KS - 67574
- Rush Center, KS - 67575
- Russell, KS - 67665
- Sabetha, KS - 66534
- Saint Francis, KS - 67756
- Saint George, KS - 66535
- Saint John, KS - 67576
- Saint Marys, KS - 66536
- Saint Paul, KS - 66771
- Salina, KS - 67401-67402
- Satanta, KS - 67870
- Savonburg, KS - 66772
- Sawyer, KS - 67134
- Scammon, KS - 66773
- Scandia, KS - 66966
- Schoenchen, KS - 67667
- Scott City, KS - 67871
- Scranton, KS - 66537
- Sedan, KS - 67361
- Sedgwick, KS - 67135
- Selden, KS - 67757
- Seneca, KS - 66538
- Severy, KS - 67137
- Sharon Springs, KS - 67758
- Sharon, KS - 67138
- Shawnee Mission, KS - 66201-66286
- Silver Lake, KS - 66539
- Simpson, KS - 67478
- Smith Center, KS - 66967
- Soldier, KS - 66540
- Solomon, KS - 67480
- South Haven, KS - 67140
- South Hutchinson, KS - 67505
- Spearville, KS - 67876
- Spivey, KS - 67142
- Spring Hill, KS - 66083
- Stafford, KS - 67578
- Stark, KS - 66775
- Sterling, KS - 67579
- Stilwell, KS - 66085
- Stockton, KS - 67669
- Strong City, KS - 66869
- Stuttgart, KS - 67670
- Sublette, KS - 67877
- Summerfield, KS - 66541
- Sun City, KS - 67143
- Sycamore, KS - 67363
- Sylvan Grove, KS - 67481
- Sylvia, KS - 67581
- Syracuse, KS - 67878
- Talmage, KS - 67482
- Tampa, KS - 67483
- Tecumseh, KS - 66542
- Tescott, KS - 67484
- Thayer, KS - 66776
- Tipton, KS - 67485
- Tonganoxie, KS - 66086
- Topeka, KS - 66601-66699
- Toronto, KS - 66777
- Towanda, KS - 67144
- Treece, KS - 66778
- Tribune, KS - 67879
- Troy, KS - 66087
- Turon, KS - 67583
- Tyro, KS - 67364
- Udall, KS - 67146
- Ulysses, KS - 67880
- Uniontown, KS - 66779
- Utica, KS - 67584
- Valley Center, KS - 67147
- Valley Falls, KS - 66088
- Vassar, KS - 66543
- Vermillion, KS - 66544
- Victoria, KS - 67671
- Viola, KS - 67149
- Virgil, KS - 66870
- Wa Keeney, KS - 67672
- Wakarusa, KS - 66546
- Wakefield, KS - 67487
- Waldo, KS - 67673
- Waldron, KS - 67150
- Walker, KS - 67674
- Wallace, KS - 67761
- Walnut, KS - 66780
- Walton, KS - 67151
- Wamego, KS - 66547
- Washington, KS - 66968
- Waterville, KS - 66548
- Wathena, KS - 66090
- Waverly, KS - 66871
- Webber, KS - 66970
- Weir, KS - 66781
- Welda, KS - 66091
- Wellington, KS - 67152
- Wellsville, KS - 66092
- Weskan, KS - 67762
- West Mineral, KS - 66782
- Westmoreland, KS - 66549
- Westphalia, KS - 66093
- Wetmore, KS - 66550
- Wheaton, KS - 66551
- White City, KS - 66872
- White Cloud, KS - 66094
- Whitewater, KS - 67154
- Whiting, KS - 66552
- Wichita, KS - 67201-67220, 67223-67278
- Williamsburg, KS - 66095
- Wilmore, KS - 67155
- Wilsey, KS - 66873
- Wilson, KS - 67490
- Winchester, KS - 66097
- Windom, KS - 67491
- Winfield, KS - 67156
- Winona, KS - 67764
- Woodbine, KS - 67492
- Woodston, KS - 67675
- Wright, KS - 67882
- Yates Center, KS - 66783
- Yoder, KS - 67585
- Zenda, KS - 67159
Kansas Payroll Services
Payroll Service Directory and Price Quotes

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Kansas Payroll Service Companies
Acct Payroll Express
2314 Planet Ave
Salina KS 67401785-826-1996
Acct Payroll Express
9415 E Harry St
Wichita KS 67207316-685-3578
143 W 4th St
Goddard KS 67052316-794-3472
ADP - Automatic Data Processing, Inc
9705 Loiret Blvd
Shawnee Mission KS 66219913-492-4501
ADP - Automatic Data Processing, Inc
7701 E Kellogg Dr
Wichita KS 67207316-686-3333
Advantage Payroll Services
2345 S Old Highway 83
Garden City KS 67846620-275-4504
Bookkeeping Unlimited
886 Road 160
Emporia KS 66801620-342-9241
Bradley E Hamme, CPA, PA
410 Washington St
Oskaloosa KS 66066785-863-2118
Century Small Business Solutions
5909 Martway St
Mission KS 66202913-677-1077
Ceridian Corp
10901 W 84th Ter
Shawnee Mission KS 66214913-541-3500
Checkdate Solutions
8050 Marshall Dr
Shawnee Mission KS 66214913-262-9484
Heartland Payment Systems
3500 N Rock RD
Wichita KS 67226316-390-1988
Paychex, Inc
13160 Foster St
Shawnee Mission KS 66213913-814-7776
601 N Mur Len RD
Olathe KS 66062913-780-9901
Payroll Partners Plus
10955 Lowell Ave
Shawnee Mission KS 66210913-338-3500
Payroll Plus of Kansas, Inc
PO Box 397
Montezuma KS 67867620-846-2658
Power Ecard, Inc
5200 W 94th Ter
Shawnee Mission KS 66207913-649-0400
Pro Pay, LLC
7450 W 103
Olathe KS 66062913-492-6242
Pro Pay, LLC
7450 W 130th St
Shawnee Mission KS 66213913-492-9171
Topeka Payroll Service
2154 SW Macvicar Ave
Topeka KS 66611785-234-9533
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