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Cities in North Dakota
- Abercrombie, ND - 58001
- Absaraka, ND - 58002
- Adams, ND - 58210
- Agate, ND - 58310
- Alamo, ND - 58830
- Alexander, ND - 58831
- Almont, ND - 58520
- Alsen, ND - 58311
- Ambrose, ND - 58833
- Amenia, ND - 58004
- Amidon, ND - 58620
- Anamoose, ND - 58710
- Aneta, ND - 58212
- Antler, ND - 58711
- Ardoch, ND - 58213
- Argusville, ND - 58005
- Arnegard, ND - 58835
- Arthur, ND - 58006
- Arvilla, ND - 58214
- Ashley, ND - 58413
- Ayr, ND - 58007
- Baldwin, ND - 58521
- Balfour, ND - 58712
- Balta, ND - 58313
- Bantry, ND - 58713
- Barney, ND - 58008
- Bathgate, ND - 58216
- Beach, ND - 58621
- Belcourt, ND - 58316
- Belfield, ND - 58622
- Benedict, ND - 58716
- Berlin, ND - 58415
- Berthold, ND - 58718
- Beulah, ND - 58523
- Binford, ND - 58416
- Bisbee, ND - 58317
- Bismarck, ND - 58501-58507
- Blanchard, ND - 58009
- Bottineau, ND - 58318
- Bowbells, ND - 58721
- Bowdon, ND - 58418
- Bowman, ND - 58623
- Braddock, ND - 58524
- Bremen, ND - 58319
- Brinsmade, ND - 58320
- Brocket, ND - 58321
- Buchanan, ND - 58420
- Buffalo, ND - 58011
- Burlington, ND - 58722
- Butte, ND - 58723
- Buxton, ND - 58218
- Caledonia, ND - 58219
- Calvin, ND - 58323
- Cando, ND - 58324
- Cannon Ball, ND - 58528
- Carpio, ND - 58725
- Carrington, ND - 58421
- Carson, ND - 58529
- Cartwright, ND - 58838
- Casselton, ND - 58012
- Cathay, ND - 58422
- Cavalier, ND - 58220
- Cayuga, ND - 58013
- Center, ND - 58530
- Chaffee, ND - 58014
- Chaseley, ND - 58423
- Christine, ND - 58015
- Churchs Ferry, ND - 58325
- Cleveland, ND - 58424
- Clifford, ND - 58016
- Cogswell, ND - 58017
- Coleharbor, ND - 58531
- Colfax, ND - 58018
- Columbus, ND - 58727
- Cooperstown, ND - 58425
- Courtenay, ND - 58426
- Crary, ND - 58327
- Crosby, ND - 58730
- Crystal, ND - 58222
- Cummings, ND - 58223
- Dahlen, ND - 58224
- Davenport, ND - 58021
- Dawson, ND - 58428
- Dazey, ND - 58429
- Deering, ND - 58731
- Denhoff, ND - 58430
- Des Lacs, ND - 58733
- Devils Lake, ND - 58301
- Dickey, ND - 58431
- Dickinson, ND - 58601-58602
- Dodge, ND - 58625
- Donnybrook, ND - 58734
- Douglas, ND - 58735
- Drake, ND - 58736
- Drayton, ND - 58225
- Driscoll, ND - 58532
- Dunn Center, ND - 58626
- Dunseith, ND - 58329
- Eckelson, ND - 58432
- Edgeley, ND - 58433
- Edinburg, ND - 58227
- Edmore, ND - 58330
- Egeland, ND - 58331
- Elgin, ND - 58533
- Ellendale, ND - 58436
- Emerado, ND - 58228
- Enderlin, ND - 58027
- Epping, ND - 58843
- Erie, ND - 58029
- Esmond, ND - 58332
- Fairdale, ND - 58229
- Fairfield, ND - 58627
- Fairmount, ND - 58030
- Fargo, ND - 58102-58126
- Fessenden, ND - 58438
- Fingal, ND - 58031
- Finley, ND - 58230
- Flasher, ND - 58535
- Flaxton, ND - 58737
- Forbes, ND - 58439
- Fordville, ND - 58231
- Forest River, ND - 58233
- Forman, ND - 58032
- Fort Ransom, ND - 58033
- Fort Totten, ND - 58335
- Fort Yates, ND - 58538
- Fortuna, ND - 58844
- Fredonia, ND - 58440
- Fullerton, ND - 58441
- Gackle, ND - 58442
- Galesburg, ND - 58035
- Gardner, ND - 58036
- Garrison, ND - 58540
- Gilby, ND - 58235
- Gladstone, ND - 58630
- Glasston, ND - 58236
- Glen Ullin, ND - 58631
- Glenburn, ND - 58740
- Glenfield, ND - 58443
- Golden Valley, ND - 58541
- Golva, ND - 58632
- Goodrich, ND - 58444
- Grace City, ND - 58445
- Grafton, ND - 58237
- Grand Forks AFB, ND - 58204-58205
- Grand Forks, ND - 58201-58203, 58206-58208
- Grandin, ND - 58038
- Granville, ND - 58741
- Grassy Butte, ND - 58634
- Great Bend, ND - 58039
- Grenora, ND - 58845
- Gwinner, ND - 58040
- Hague, ND - 58542
- Halliday, ND - 58636
- Hamberg, ND - 58337
- Hamilton, ND - 58238
- Hampden, ND - 58338
- Hankinson, ND - 58041
- Hannaford, ND - 58448
- Hannah, ND - 58239
- Hansboro, ND - 58339
- Harvey, ND - 58341
- Harwood, ND - 58042
- Hatton, ND - 58240
- Havana, ND - 58043
- Hazelton, ND - 58544
- Hazen, ND - 58545
- Hebron, ND - 58638
- Hensel, ND - 58241
- Hettinger, ND - 58639
- Hillsboro, ND - 58045
- Hoople, ND - 58243
- Hope, ND - 58046
- Horace, ND - 58047
- Hunter, ND - 58048
- Hurdsfield, ND - 58451
- Inkster, ND - 58244
- Jamestown, ND - 58401-58405
- Jessie, ND - 58452
- Jud, ND - 58454
- Karlsruhe, ND - 58744
- Kathryn, ND - 58049
- Keene, ND - 58847
- Kenmare, ND - 58746
- Kensal, ND - 58455
- Kief, ND - 58747
- Killdeer, ND - 58640
- Kindred, ND - 58051
- Kintyre, ND - 58549
- Knox, ND - 58343
- Kramer, ND - 58748
- Kulm, ND - 58456
- Lakota, ND - 58344
- Lamoure, ND - 58458
- Langdon, ND - 58249
- Lankin, ND - 58250
- Lansford, ND - 58750
- Larimore, ND - 58251
- Lawton, ND - 58345
- Leeds, ND - 58346
- Lefor, ND - 58641
- Lehr, ND - 58460
- Leonard, ND - 58052
- Lidgerwood, ND - 58053
- Lignite, ND - 58752
- Linton, ND - 58552
- Lisbon, ND - 58054
- Litchville, ND - 58461
- Luverne, ND - 58056
- Maddock, ND - 58348
- Maida, ND - 58255
- Makoti, ND - 58756
- Mandan, ND - 58554
- Mandaree, ND - 58757
- Manning, ND - 58642
- Mantador, ND - 58058
- Manvel, ND - 58256
- Mapleton, ND - 58059
- Marion, ND - 58466
- Marmarth, ND - 58643
- Marshall, ND - 58644
- Martin, ND - 58758
- Max, ND - 58759
- Maxbass, ND - 58760
- Mayville, ND - 58257
- McClusky, ND - 58463
- McGregor, ND - 58755
- McHenry, ND - 58464
- McKenzie, ND - 58553
- McLeod, ND - 58057
- McVille, ND - 58254
- Medina, ND - 58467
- Medora, ND - 58645
- Mekinock, ND - 58258
- Menoken, ND - 58558
- Mercer, ND - 58559
- Michigan, ND - 58259
- Milnor, ND - 58060
- Milton, ND - 58260
- Minnewaukan, ND - 58351
- Minot AFB, ND - 58704-58705
- Minot, ND - 58701-58703, 58707
- Minto, ND - 58261
- Moffit, ND - 58560
- Mohall, ND - 58761
- Montpelier, ND - 58472
- Mooreton, ND - 58061
- Mott, ND - 58646
- Mountain, ND - 58262
- Munich, ND - 58352
- Mylo, ND - 58353
- Napoleon, ND - 58561
- Neche, ND - 58265
- Nekoma, ND - 58355
- New England, ND - 58647
- New Leipzig, ND - 58562
- New Rockford, ND - 58356
- New Salem, ND - 58563
- New Town, ND - 58763
- Newburg, ND - 58762
- Niagara, ND - 58266
- Nome, ND - 58062
- Noonan, ND - 58765
- Northwood, ND - 58267
- Norwich, ND - 58768
- Oakes, ND - 58474
- Oberon, ND - 58357
- Oriska, ND - 58063
- Orrin, ND - 58359
- Osnabrock, ND - 58269
- Page, ND - 58064
- Palermo, ND - 58769
- Park River, ND - 58270
- Parshall, ND - 58770
- Pekin, ND - 58361
- Pembina, ND - 58271
- Penn, ND - 58362
- Perth, ND - 58363
- Petersburg, ND - 58272
- Pettibone, ND - 58475
- Pillsbury, ND - 58065
- Pingree, ND - 58476
- Pisek, ND - 58273
- Plaza, ND - 58771
- Portal, ND - 58772
- Portland, ND - 58274
- Powers Lake, ND - 58773
- Raleigh, ND - 58564
- Ray, ND - 58849
- Reeder, ND - 58649
- Regan, ND - 58477
- Regent, ND - 58650
- Reynolds, ND - 58275
- Rhame, ND - 58651
- Richardton, ND - 58652
- Riverdale, ND - 58565
- Robinson, ND - 58478
- Rocklake, ND - 58365
- Rogers, ND - 58479
- Rolette, ND - 58366
- Rolla, ND - 58367
- Roseglen, ND - 58775
- Ross, ND - 58776
- Rugby, ND - 58368
- Ruso, ND - 58778
- Rutland, ND - 58067
- Ryder, ND - 58779
- Saint Anthony, ND - 58566
- Saint John, ND - 58369
- Saint Michael, ND - 58370
- Saint Thomas, ND - 58276
- Sanborn, ND - 58480
- Sarles, ND - 58372
- Sawyer, ND - 58781
- Scranton, ND - 58653
- Selfridge, ND - 58568
- Sentinel Butte, ND - 58654
- Sharon, ND - 58277
- Sheldon, ND - 58068
- Sherwood, ND - 58782
- Sheyenne, ND - 58374
- Shields, ND - 58569
- Solen, ND - 58570
- Souris, ND - 58783
- South Heart, ND - 58655
- Spiritwood, ND - 58481
- Stanley, ND - 58784
- Stanton, ND - 58571
- Starkweather, ND - 58377
- Steele, ND - 58482
- Sterling, ND - 58572
- Stirum, ND - 58069
- Strasburg, ND - 58573
- Streeter, ND - 58483
- Surrey, ND - 58785
- Sutton, ND - 58484
- Sykeston, ND - 58486
- Tappen, ND - 58487
- Taylor, ND - 58656
- Thompson, ND - 58278
- Tioga, ND - 58852
- Tokio, ND - 58379
- Tolley, ND - 58787
- Tolna, ND - 58380
- Tower City, ND - 58071
- Towner, ND - 58788
- Trenton, ND - 58853
- Turtle Lake, ND - 58575
- Tuttle, ND - 58488
- Underwood, ND - 58576
- Upham, ND - 58789
- Valley City, ND - 58072
- Velva, ND - 58790
- Venturia, ND - 58489
- Verona, ND - 58490
- Voltaire, ND - 58792
- Wahpeton, ND - 58074-58076
- Walcott, ND - 58077
- Wales, ND - 58281
- Walhalla, ND - 58282
- Warwick, ND - 58381
- Washburn, ND - 58577
- Watford City, ND - 58854
- Webster, ND - 58382
- West Fargo, ND - 58078
- Westhope, ND - 58793
- Wheatland, ND - 58079
- White Earth, ND - 58794
- Wildrose, ND - 58795
- Williston, ND - 58801-58802
- Willow City, ND - 58384
- Wilton, ND - 58579
- Wimbledon, ND - 58492
- Wing, ND - 58494
- Wishek, ND - 58495
- Wolford, ND - 58385
- Woodworth, ND - 58496
- Wyndmere, ND - 58081
- York, ND - 58386
- Ypsilanti, ND - 58497
- Zahl, ND - 58856
- Zap, ND - 58580
- Zeeland, ND - 58581
North Dakota Payroll Services
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North Dakota Payroll Service Companies
Arrow Payroll Services
15 21st St S
Fargo ND 58103701-478-0055
Heartland Payment Systems
533 Airport RD
Bismarck ND 58504701-255-3211
Pay Day USA
1313 Business Loop E
Jamestown ND 58401701-252-4077
Payroll Professional's, Inc
1101 1st Ave N
Fargo ND 58102701-271-1516
Pro Systems Corp
1621 University Dr S
Fargo ND 58103701-298-0226
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