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Cities in Iowa
- Ackley, IA - 50601
- Ackworth, IA - 50001
- Adair, IA - 50002
- Adel, IA - 50003
- Afton, IA - 50830
- Agency, IA - 52530
- Ainsworth, IA - 52201
- Akron, IA - 51001
- Albert City, IA - 50510
- Albia, IA - 52531
- Albion, IA - 50005
- Alburnett, IA - 52202
- Alden, IA - 50006
- Alexander, IA - 50420
- Algona, IA - 50511
- Alleman, IA - 50007
- Allendorf, IA - 51330
- Allerton, IA - 50008
- Allison, IA - 50602
- Alta Vista, IA - 50603
- Alta, IA - 51002
- Alton, IA - 51003
- Altoona, IA - 50009
- Alvord, IA - 51230
- Amana, IA - 52203-52204
- Ames, IA - 50010-50014
- Anamosa, IA - 52205
- Andover, IA - 52701
- Andrew, IA - 52030
- Anita, IA - 50020
- Ankeny, IA - 50015, 50021, 50023
- Anthon, IA - 51004
- Aplington, IA - 50604
- Arcadia, IA - 51430
- Archer, IA - 51231
- Aredale, IA - 50605
- Argyle, IA - 52619
- Arion, IA - 51520
- Arispe, IA - 50831
- Arlington, IA - 50606
- Armstrong, IA - 50514
- Arnolds Park, IA - 51331
- Arthur, IA - 51431
- Ashton, IA - 51232
- Aspinwall, IA - 51432
- Atalissa, IA - 52720
- Atkins, IA - 52206
- Atlantic, IA - 50022
- Auburn, IA - 51433
- Audubon, IA - 50025
- Aurelia, IA - 51005
- Aurora, IA - 50607
- Austinville, IA - 50608
- Avoca, IA - 51521
- Ayrshire, IA - 50515
- Badger, IA - 50516
- Bagley, IA - 50026
- Baldwin, IA - 52207
- Bancroft, IA - 50517
- Barnes City, IA - 50027
- Barnum, IA - 50518
- Batavia, IA - 52533
- Battle Creek, IA - 51006
- Baxter, IA - 50028
- Bayard, IA - 50029
- Beacon, IA - 52534
- Beaman, IA - 50609
- Beaver, IA - 50031
- Bedford, IA - 50833
- Belle Plaine, IA - 52208
- Bellevue, IA - 52031
- Belmond, IA - 50421
- Bennett, IA - 52721
- Benton, IA - 50835
- Bernard, IA - 52032
- Berwick, IA - 50032
- Bettendorf, IA - 52722
- Bevington, IA - 50033
- Birmingham, IA - 52535
- Blairsburg, IA - 50034
- Blairstown, IA - 52209
- Blakesburg, IA - 52536
- Blanchard, IA - 51630
- Blencoe, IA - 51523
- Blockton, IA - 50836
- Bloomfield, IA - 52537
- Blue Grass, IA - 52726
- Bode, IA - 50519
- Bonaparte, IA - 52620
- Bondurant, IA - 50035
- Boone, IA - 50036-50037
- Booneville, IA - 50038
- Bouton, IA - 50039
- Boxholm, IA - 50040
- Boyden, IA - 51234
- Braddyville, IA - 51631
- Bradford, IA - 50041
- Bradgate, IA - 50520
- Brandon, IA - 52210
- Brayton, IA - 50042
- Breda, IA - 51436
- Bridgewater, IA - 50837
- Brighton, IA - 52540
- Bristow, IA - 50611
- Britt, IA - 50423
- Bronson, IA - 51007
- Brooklyn, IA - 52211
- Brunsville, IA - 51008
- Bryant, IA - 52727
- Buckeye, IA - 50043
- Buckingham, IA - 50612
- Buffalo Center, IA - 50424
- Buffalo, IA - 52728
- Burlington, IA - 52601
- Burnside, IA - 50521
- Burr Oak, IA - 52131
- Burt, IA - 50522
- Bussey, IA - 50044
- Calamus, IA - 52729
- Callender, IA - 50523
- Calmar, IA - 52132
- Calumet, IA - 51009
- Camanche, IA - 52730
- Cambridge, IA - 50046
- Cantril, IA - 52542
- Carbon, IA - 50839
- Carlisle, IA - 50047
- Carpenter, IA - 50426
- Carroll, IA - 51401
- Carson, IA - 51525
- Carter Lake, IA - 51510
- Cascade, IA - 52033
- Casey, IA - 50048
- Castalia, IA - 52133
- Castana, IA - 51010
- Cedar Falls, IA - 50613-50614
- Cedar Rapids, IA - 52401-52499
- Cedar, IA - 52543
- Center Junction, IA - 52212
- Center Point, IA - 52213
- Centerville, IA - 52544
- Central City, IA - 52214
- Chapin, IA - 50427
- Chariton, IA - 50049
- Charles City, IA - 50616
- Charlotte, IA - 52731
- Charter Oak, IA - 51439
- Chatsworth, IA - 51011
- Chelsea, IA - 52215
- Cherokee, IA - 51012
- Chester, IA - 52134
- Chillicothe, IA - 52548
- Churdan, IA - 50050
- Cincinnati, IA - 52549
- Clare, IA - 50524
- Clarence, IA - 52216
- Clarinda, IA - 51632
- Clarion, IA - 50525-50526
- Clarksville, IA - 50619
- Clear Lake, IA - 50428
- Clearfield, IA - 50840
- Cleghorn, IA - 51014
- Clemons, IA - 50051
- Clermont, IA - 52135
- Climbing Hill, IA - 51015
- Clinton, IA - 52732-52736
- Clio, IA - 50052
- Clive, IA - 50325
- Clutier, IA - 52217
- Coggon, IA - 52218
- Coin, IA - 51636
- Colesburg, IA - 52035
- Colfax, IA - 50054
- College Springs, IA - 51637
- Collins, IA - 50055
- Colo, IA - 50056
- Columbia, IA - 50057
- Columbus City, IA - 52737
- Columbus Junction, IA - 52738
- Colwell, IA - 50620
- Conesville, IA - 52739
- Conrad, IA - 50621
- Conroy, IA - 52220
- Coon Rapids, IA - 50058
- Cooper, IA - 50059
- Coralville, IA - 52241
- Corning, IA - 50841
- Correctionville, IA - 51016
- Corwith, IA - 50430
- Corydon, IA - 50060
- Coulter, IA - 50431
- Council Bluffs, IA - 51501-51503
- Craig, IA - 51017
- Crawfordsville, IA - 52621
- Crescent, IA - 51526
- Cresco, IA - 52136
- Creston, IA - 50801
- Cromwell, IA - 50842
- Crystal Lake, IA - 50432
- Cumberland, IA - 50843
- Cumming, IA - 50061
- Curlew, IA - 50527
- Cushing, IA - 51018
- Cylinder, IA - 50528
- Dakota City, IA - 50529
- Dallas Center, IA - 50063
- Dallas, IA - 50062
- Dana, IA - 50064
- Danbury, IA - 51019
- Danville, IA - 52623
- Davenport, IA - 52801-52809
- Davis City, IA - 50065
- Dawson, IA - 50066
- Dayton, IA - 50530
- De Soto, IA - 50069
- De Witt, IA - 52742
- Decatur, IA - 50067
- Decorah, IA - 52101
- Dedham, IA - 51440
- Deep River, IA - 52222
- Defiance, IA - 51527
- Delaware, IA - 52036
- Delhi, IA - 52223
- Delmar, IA - 52037
- Deloit, IA - 51441
- Delta, IA - 52550
- Denison, IA - 51442
- Denmark, IA - 52624
- Denver, IA - 50622
- Derby, IA - 50068
- Des Moines, IA - 50301-50321, 50327-50397, 50936-50981
- Dewar, IA - 50623
- Dexter, IA - 50070
- Diagonal, IA - 50845
- Dickens, IA - 51333
- Dike, IA - 50624
- Dixon, IA - 52745
- Dolliver, IA - 50531
- Donahue, IA - 52746
- Donnellson, IA - 52625
- Doon, IA - 51235
- Dorchester, IA - 52140
- Douds, IA - 52551
- Dougherty, IA - 50433
- Dow City, IA - 51528
- Dows, IA - 50071
- Drakesville, IA - 52552
- Dubuque, IA - 52001-52004, 52099
- Dumont, IA - 50625
- Duncombe, IA - 50532
- Dundee, IA - 52038
- Dunkerton, IA - 50626
- Dunlap, IA - 51529
- Durango, IA - 52039
- Durant, IA - 52747
- Dyersville, IA - 52040
- Dysart, IA - 52224
- Eagle Grove, IA - 50533
- Earlham, IA - 50072
- Earling, IA - 51530
- Earlville, IA - 52041
- Early, IA - 50535
- Eddyville, IA - 52553
- Edgewood, IA - 52042
- Elberon, IA - 52225
- Eldon, IA - 52554
- Eldora, IA - 50627
- Eldridge, IA - 52748
- Elgin, IA - 52141
- Elk Horn, IA - 51531
- Elkader, IA - 52043
- Elkhart, IA - 50073
- Elkport, IA - 52044
- Elliott, IA - 51532
- Ellston, IA - 50074
- Ellsworth, IA - 50075
- Elma, IA - 50628
- Elwood, IA - 52226
- Ely, IA - 52227
- Emerson, IA - 51533
- Emmetsburg, IA - 50536
- Epworth, IA - 52045
- Essex, IA - 51638
- Estherville, IA - 51334
- Evansdale, IA - 50707
- Everly, IA - 51338
- Exira, IA - 50076
- Exline, IA - 52555
- Fairbank, IA - 50629
- Fairfax, IA - 52228
- Fairfield, IA - 52556-52557
- Farley, IA - 52046
- Farmersburg, IA - 52047
- Farmington, IA - 52626
- Farnhamville, IA - 50538
- Farragut, IA - 51639
- Fayette, IA - 52142
- Fenton, IA - 50539
- Ferguson, IA - 50078
- Fertile, IA - 50434
- Floris, IA - 52560
- Floyd, IA - 50435
- Fonda, IA - 50540
- Fontanelle, IA - 50846
- Forest City, IA - 50436
- Fort Atkinson, IA - 52144
- Fort Dodge, IA - 50501
- Fort Madison, IA - 52627
- Fostoria, IA - 51340
- Fredericksburg, IA - 50630
- Frederika, IA - 50631
- Fremont, IA - 52561
- Fruitland, IA - 52749
- Galt, IA - 50101
- Galva, IA - 51020
- Garber, IA - 52048
- Garden City, IA - 50102
- Garden Grove, IA - 50103
- Garnavillo, IA - 52049
- Garner, IA - 50438
- Garrison, IA - 52229
- Garwin, IA - 50632
- Geneva, IA - 50633
- George, IA - 51237
- Gibson, IA - 50104
- Gifford, IA - 50259
- Gilbert, IA - 50105
- Gilbertville, IA - 50634
- Gillett Grove, IA - 51341
- Gilman, IA - 50106
- Gilmore City, IA - 50541
- Gladbrook, IA - 50635
- Glenwood, IA - 51534
- Glidden, IA - 51443
- Goldfield, IA - 50542
- Goodell, IA - 50439
- Goose Lake, IA - 52750
- Gowrie, IA - 50543
- Graettinger, IA - 51342
- Grafton, IA - 50440
- Grand Junction, IA - 50107
- Grand Mound, IA - 52751
- Grand River, IA - 50108
- Grandview, IA - 52752
- Granger, IA - 50109
- Grant, IA - 50847
- Granville, IA - 51022
- Gravity, IA - 50848
- Gray, IA - 50110
- Greeley, IA - 52050
- Greene, IA - 50636
- Greenfield, IA - 50849
- Greenville, IA - 51343
- Grimes, IA - 50111
- Grinnell, IA - 50112, 50177
- Griswold, IA - 51535
- Grundy Center, IA - 50638
- Gruver, IA - 51344
- Guernsey, IA - 52221
- Guthrie Center, IA - 50115
- Guttenberg, IA - 52052
- Halbur, IA - 51444
- Hamburg, IA - 51640
- Hamilton, IA - 50116
- Hamlin, IA - 50117
- Hampton, IA - 50441
- Hancock, IA - 51536
- Hanlontown, IA - 50444
- Harcourt, IA - 50544
- Hardy, IA - 50545
- Harlan, IA - 51537, 51593
- Harper, IA - 52231
- Harpers Ferry, IA - 52146
- Harris, IA - 51345
- Hartford, IA - 50118
- Hartley, IA - 51346
- Hartwick, IA - 52232
- Harvey, IA - 50119
- Hastings, IA - 51540
- Havelock, IA - 50546
- Haverhill, IA - 50120
- Hawarden, IA - 51023
- Hawkeye, IA - 52147
- Hayesville, IA - 52562
- Hazleton, IA - 50641
- Hedrick, IA - 52563
- Henderson, IA - 51541
- Hiawatha, IA - 52233
- Highlandville, IA - 52149
- Hills, IA - 52235
- Hillsboro, IA - 52630
- Hinton, IA - 51024
- Holland, IA - 50642
- Holstein, IA - 51025
- Holy Cross, IA - 52053
- Homestead, IA - 52236
- Honey Creek, IA - 51542
- Hopkinton, IA - 52237
- Hornick, IA - 51026
- Hospers, IA - 51238
- Houghton, IA - 52631
- Hubbard, IA - 50122
- Hudson, IA - 50643
- Hull, IA - 51239
- Humboldt, IA - 50548
- Humeston, IA - 50123
- Huxley, IA - 50124
- Ida Grove, IA - 51445
- Imogene, IA - 51645
- Independence, IA - 50644
- Indianola, IA - 50125
- Inwood, IA - 51240
- Ionia, IA - 50645
- Iowa City, IA - 52240, 52242-52246
- Iowa Falls, IA - 50126
- Ira, IA - 50127
- Ireton, IA - 51027
- Irwin, IA - 51446
- Jamaica, IA - 50128
- Janesville, IA - 50647
- Jefferson, IA - 50129
- Jesup, IA - 50648
- Jewell, IA - 50130
- Johnston, IA - 50131
- Joice, IA - 50446
- Jolley, IA - 50551
- Kalona, IA - 52247
- Kamrar, IA - 50132
- Kanawha, IA - 50447
- Kellerton, IA - 50133
- Kelley, IA - 50134
- Kellogg, IA - 50135
- Kensett, IA - 50448
- Keokuk, IA - 52632
- Keosauqua, IA - 52565
- Keota, IA - 52248
- Kesley, IA - 50649
- Keswick, IA - 50136
- Keystone, IA - 52249
- Killduff, IA - 50137
- Kimballton, IA - 51543
- Kingsley, IA - 51028
- Kirkman, IA - 51447
- Kirkville, IA - 52566
- Kiron, IA - 51448
- Klemme, IA - 50449
- Knierim, IA - 50552
- Knoxville, IA - 50138, 50197-50198
- La Motte, IA - 52054
- La Porte City, IA - 50651
- Lacona, IA - 50139
- Ladora, IA - 52251
- Lake City, IA - 51449
- Lake Mills, IA - 50450
- Lake Park, IA - 51347
- Lake View, IA - 51450
- Lakota, IA - 50451
- Lamoni, IA - 50140
- Lamont, IA - 50650
- Lanesboro, IA - 51451
- Langworthy, IA - 52252
- Lansing, IA - 52151
- Larchwood, IA - 51241
- Larrabee, IA - 51029
- Latimer, IA - 50452
- Laurel, IA - 50141
- Laurens, IA - 50554
- Lawler, IA - 52154
- Lawton, IA - 51030
- Le Claire, IA - 52753
- Le Grand, IA - 50142
- Le Mars, IA - 51031
- Ledyard, IA - 50556
- Lehigh, IA - 50557
- Leighton, IA - 50143
- Leland, IA - 50453
- Lenox, IA - 50851
- Leon, IA - 50144
- Lester, IA - 51242
- Letts, IA - 52754
- Lewis, IA - 51544
- Liberty Center, IA - 50145
- Libertyville, IA - 52567
- Lidderdale, IA - 51452
- Lime Springs, IA - 52155
- Lincoln, IA - 50652
- Linden, IA - 50146
- Lineville, IA - 50147
- Linn Grove, IA - 51033
- Lisbon, IA - 52253
- Liscomb, IA - 50148
- Little Cedar, IA - 50454
- Little Rock, IA - 51243
- Little Sioux, IA - 51545
- Littleport, IA - 52055
- Livermore, IA - 50558
- Lockridge, IA - 52635
- Logan, IA - 51546
- Lohrville, IA - 51453
- Lone Rock, IA - 50559
- Lone Tree, IA - 52755
- Long Grove, IA - 52756
- Lorimor, IA - 50149
- Lost Nation, IA - 52254
- Lovilia, IA - 50150
- Low Moor, IA - 52757
- Lowden, IA - 52255
- Lu Verne, IA - 50560
- Luana, IA - 52156
- Lucas, IA - 50151
- Luther, IA - 50152
- Luxemburg, IA - 52056
- Luzerne, IA - 52257
- Lynnville, IA - 50153
- Lytton, IA - 50561
- Macedonia, IA - 51549
- Macksburg, IA - 50155
- Madrid, IA - 50156
- Magnolia, IA - 51550
- Malcom, IA - 50157
- Mallard, IA - 50562
- Malvern, IA - 51551
- Manchester, IA - 52057
- Manilla, IA - 51454
- Manly, IA - 50456
- Manning, IA - 51455
- Manson, IA - 50563
- Mapleton, IA - 51034
- Maquoketa, IA - 52060
- Marathon, IA - 50565
- Marble Rock, IA - 50653
- Marcus, IA - 51035
- Marengo, IA - 52301
- Marion, IA - 52302
- Marne, IA - 51552
- Marquette, IA - 52158
- Marshalltown, IA - 50158
- Martelle, IA - 52305
- Martensdale, IA - 50160
- Martinsburg, IA - 52568
- Mason City, IA - 50401-50402
- Masonville, IA - 50654
- Massena, IA - 50853
- Matlock, IA - 51244
- Maurice, IA - 51036
- Maxwell, IA - 50161
- May City, IA - 51349
- Maynard, IA - 50655
- McCallsburg, IA - 50154
- McCausland, IA - 52758
- McClelland, IA - 51548
- McGregor, IA - 52157
- McIntire, IA - 50455
- Mechanicsville, IA - 52306
- Mediapolis, IA - 52637
- Melbourne, IA - 50162
- Melcher, IA - 50163
- Melrose, IA - 52569
- Melvin, IA - 51350
- Menlo, IA - 50164
- Meriden, IA - 51037
- Merrill, IA - 51038
- Meservey, IA - 50457
- Middle Amana, IA - 52307
- Middletown, IA - 52638
- Miles, IA - 52064
- Milford, IA - 51351
- Millersburg, IA - 52308
- Millerton, IA - 50165
- Milo, IA - 50166
- Milton, IA - 52570
- Minburn, IA - 50167
- Minden, IA - 51553
- Mineola, IA - 51554
- Mingo, IA - 50168
- Missouri Valley, IA - 51555
- Mitchellville, IA - 50169
- Modale, IA - 51556
- Mondamin, IA - 51557
- Monmouth, IA - 52309
- Monona, IA - 52159
- Monroe, IA - 50170
- Montezuma, IA - 50171
- Monticello, IA - 52310
- Montour, IA - 50173
- Montpelier, IA - 52759
- Montrose, IA - 52639
- Moorhead, IA - 51558
- Moorland, IA - 50566
- Moravia, IA - 52571
- Morley, IA - 52312
- Morning Sun, IA - 52640
- Morrison, IA - 50657
- Moscow, IA - 52760
- Moulton, IA - 52572
- Mount Auburn, IA - 52313
- Mount Ayr, IA - 50854
- Mount Pleasant, IA - 52641
- Mount Sterling, IA - 52573
- Mount Union, IA - 52644
- Mount Vernon, IA - 52314
- Moville, IA - 51039
- Murray, IA - 50174
- Muscatine, IA - 52761
- Mystic, IA - 52574
- Nashua, IA - 50658
- Nemaha, IA - 50567
- Neola, IA - 51559
- Nevada, IA - 50201
- New Albin, IA - 52160
- New Hampton, IA - 50659
- New Hartford, IA - 50660
- New Liberty, IA - 52765
- New London, IA - 52645
- New Market, IA - 51646
- New Providence, IA - 50206
- New Sharon, IA - 50207
- New Vienna, IA - 52065
- New Virginia, IA - 50210
- Newell, IA - 50568
- Newhall, IA - 52315
- Newton, IA - 50208
- Nichols, IA - 52766
- Nodaway, IA - 50857
- Nora Springs, IA - 50458
- North Buena Vista, IA - 52066
- North English, IA - 52316
- North Liberty, IA - 52317
- North Washington, IA - 50661
- Northboro, IA - 51647
- Northwood, IA - 50459
- Norwalk, IA - 50211
- Norway, IA - 52318
- Oakdale, IA - 52319
- Oakland, IA - 51560
- Oakville, IA - 52646
- Ocheyedan, IA - 51354
- Odebolt, IA - 51458
- Oelwein, IA - 50662
- Ogden, IA - 50212
- Okoboji, IA - 51355
- Olds, IA - 52647
- Olin, IA - 52320
- Ollie, IA - 52576
- Onawa, IA - 51040
- Onslow, IA - 52321
- Oran, IA - 50664
- Orange City, IA - 51041
- Orchard, IA - 50460
- Orient, IA - 50858
- Osage, IA - 50461
- Osceola, IA - 50213
- Oskaloosa, IA - 52577
- Ossian, IA - 52161
- Otho, IA - 50569
- Otley, IA - 50214
- Oto, IA - 51044
- Ottosen, IA - 50570
- Ottumwa, IA - 52501
- Oxford Junction, IA - 52323
- Oxford, IA - 52322
- Oyens, IA - 51045
- Pacific Junction, IA - 51561
- Packwood, IA - 52580
- Palmer, IA - 50571
- Palo, IA - 52324
- Panama, IA - 51562
- Panora, IA - 50216
- Parkersburg, IA - 50665
- Parnell, IA - 52325
- Paton, IA - 50217
- Patterson, IA - 50218
- Paullina, IA - 51046
- Pella, IA - 50219
- Peosta, IA - 52068
- Percival, IA - 51648
- Perry, IA - 50220
- Persia, IA - 51563
- Peru, IA - 50222
- Peterson, IA - 51047
- Pierson, IA - 51048
- Pilot Grove, IA - 52648
- Pilot Mound, IA - 50223
- Pisgah, IA - 51564
- Plainfield, IA - 50666
- Plano, IA - 52581
- Pleasant Valley, IA - 52767
- Pleasantville, IA - 50225
- Plover, IA - 50573
- Plymouth, IA - 50464
- Pocahontas, IA - 50574
- Polk City, IA - 50226
- Pomeroy, IA - 50575
- Popejoy, IA - 50227
- Portsmouth, IA - 51565
- Postville, IA - 52162
- Prairie City, IA - 50228
- Prairieburg, IA - 52219
- Prescott, IA - 50859
- Preston, IA - 52069
- Primghar, IA - 51245
- Princeton, IA - 52768
- Prole, IA - 50229
- Promise City, IA - 52583
- Protivin, IA - 52163
- Pulaski, IA - 52584
- Quasqueton, IA - 52326
- Quimby, IA - 51049
- Radcliffe, IA - 50230
- Rake, IA - 50465
- Ralston, IA - 51459
- Randalia, IA - 52164
- Randall, IA - 50231
- Randolph, IA - 51649
- Raymond, IA - 50667
- Readlyn, IA - 50668
- Reasnor, IA - 50232
- Red Oak, IA - 51566, 51591
- Redding, IA - 50860
- Redfield, IA - 50233
- Reinbeck, IA - 50669
- Rembrandt, IA - 50576
- Remsen, IA - 51050
- Renwick, IA - 50577
- Rhodes, IA - 50234
- Riceville, IA - 50466
- Richland, IA - 52585
- Ricketts, IA - 51460
- Ridgeway, IA - 52165
- Ringsted, IA - 50578
- Rippey, IA - 50235
- Riverside, IA - 52327
- Riverton, IA - 51650
- Robins, IA - 52328
- Rock Falls, IA - 50467
- Rock Rapids, IA - 51246
- Rock Valley, IA - 51247
- Rockford, IA - 50468
- Rockwell City, IA - 50579
- Rockwell, IA - 50469
- Rodney, IA - 51051
- Roland, IA - 50236
- Rolfe, IA - 50581
- Rome, IA - 52642
- Rose Hill, IA - 52586
- Rowan, IA - 50470
- Rowley, IA - 52329
- Royal, IA - 51357
- Rudd, IA - 50471
- Runnells, IA - 50237
- Russell, IA - 50238
- Ruthven, IA - 51358
- Rutland, IA - 50582
- Ryan, IA - 52330
- Sabula, IA - 52070
- Sac City, IA - 50583
- Saint Ansgar, IA - 50472
- Saint Anthony, IA - 50239
- Saint Charles, IA - 50240
- Saint Donatus, IA - 52071
- Saint Lucas, IA - 52166
- Saint Marys, IA - 50241
- Saint Olaf, IA - 52072
- Saint Paul, IA - 52657
- Salem, IA - 52649
- Salix, IA - 51052
- Sanborn, IA - 51248
- Scarville, IA - 50473
- Schaller, IA - 51053
- Schleswig, IA - 51461
- Scranton, IA - 51462
- Searsboro, IA - 50242
- Selma, IA - 52588
- Sergeant Bluff, IA - 51054
- Seymour, IA - 52590
- Shambaugh, IA - 51651
- Shannon City, IA - 50861
- Sharpsburg, IA - 50862
- Sheffield, IA - 50475
- Shelby, IA - 51570
- Sheldahl, IA - 50243
- Sheldon, IA - 51201
- Shell Rock, IA - 50670
- Shellsburg, IA - 52332
- Shenandoah, IA - 51601-51603
- Sherrill, IA - 52073
- Sibley, IA - 51249
- Sidney, IA - 51652
- Sigourney, IA - 52591
- Silver City, IA - 51571
- Sioux Center, IA - 51250
- Sioux City, IA - 51101-51111
- Sioux Rapids, IA - 50585
- Slater, IA - 50244
- Sloan, IA - 51055
- Smithland, IA - 51056
- Soldier, IA - 51572
- Solon, IA - 52333
- Somers, IA - 50586
- South Amana, IA - 52334
- South English, IA - 52335
- Spencer, IA - 51301
- Sperry, IA - 52650
- Spillville, IA - 52168
- Spirit Lake, IA - 51360
- Spragueville, IA - 52074
- Springbrook, IA - 52075
- Springville, IA - 52336
- Stacyville, IA - 50476
- Stanhope, IA - 50246
- Stanley, IA - 50671
- Stanton, IA - 51573
- Stanwood, IA - 52337
- State Center, IA - 50247
- Steamboat Rock, IA - 50672
- Stockport, IA - 52651
- Stockton, IA - 52769
- Storm Lake, IA - 50588
- Story City, IA - 50248
- Stout, IA - 50673
- Stratford, IA - 50249
- Strawberry Point, IA - 52076
- Stuart, IA - 50250
- Sully, IA - 50251
- Sumner, IA - 50674
- Superior, IA - 51363
- Sutherland, IA - 51058
- Swaledale, IA - 50477
- Swan, IA - 50252
- Swea City, IA - 50590
- Swedesburg, IA - 52652
- Swisher, IA - 52338
- Tabor, IA - 51653
- Tama, IA - 52339
- Teeds Grove, IA - 52771
- Templeton, IA - 51463
- Tennant, IA - 51574
- Terril, IA - 51364
- Thayer, IA - 50254
- Thompson, IA - 50478
- Thor, IA - 50591
- Thornburg, IA - 50255
- Thornton, IA - 50479
- Thurman, IA - 51654
- Tiffin, IA - 52340
- Tingley, IA - 50863
- Tipton, IA - 52772
- Titonka, IA - 50480
- Toddville, IA - 52341
- Toeterville, IA - 50481
- Toledo, IA - 52342
- Tracy, IA - 50256
- Traer, IA - 50675
- Treynor, IA - 51575
- Tripoli, IA - 50676
- Troy Mills, IA - 52344
- Truesdale, IA - 50592
- Truro, IA - 50257
- Turin, IA - 51059
- Udell, IA - 52593
- Underwood, IA - 51576
- Union, IA - 50258
- Unionville, IA - 52594
- University Park, IA - 52595
- Urbana, IA - 52345
- Urbandale, IA - 50322-50323
- Ute, IA - 51060
- Vail, IA - 51465
- Van Horne, IA - 52346
- Van Meter, IA - 50261
- Van Wert, IA - 50262
- Varina, IA - 50593
- Ventura, IA - 50482
- Victor, IA - 52347
- Villisca, IA - 50864
- Vincent, IA - 50594
- Vining, IA - 52348
- Vinton, IA - 52349
- Viola, IA - 52350
- Volga, IA - 52077
- Wadena, IA - 52169
- Walcott, IA - 52773
- Walford, IA - 52351
- Walker, IA - 52352
- Wall Lake, IA - 51466
- Wallingford, IA - 51365
- Walnut, IA - 51577
- Wapello, IA - 52653
- Washington, IA - 52353
- Washta, IA - 51061
- Waterloo, IA - 50701-50706, 50799
- Waterville, IA - 52170
- Watkins, IA - 52354
- Waucoma, IA - 52171
- Waukee, IA - 50263
- Waukon, IA - 52172
- Waverly, IA - 50677
- Wayland, IA - 52654
- Webb, IA - 51366
- Webster City, IA - 50595
- Webster, IA - 52355
- Weldon, IA - 50264
- Wellman, IA - 52356
- Wellsburg, IA - 50680
- Welton, IA - 52774
- Wesley, IA - 50483
- West Bend, IA - 50597
- West Branch, IA - 52358
- West Burlington, IA - 52655
- West Chester, IA - 52359
- West Des Moines, IA - 50265-50266, 50398
- West Grove, IA - 52538
- West Liberty, IA - 52776
- West Point, IA - 52656
- West Union, IA - 52175
- Westfield, IA - 51062
- Westgate, IA - 50681
- Westphalia, IA - 51578
- Westside, IA - 51467
- Wever, IA - 52658
- What Cheer, IA - 50268
- Wheatland, IA - 52777
- Whiting, IA - 51063
- Whittemore, IA - 50598
- Whitten, IA - 50269
- Williams, IA - 50271
- Williamsburg, IA - 52361
- Williamson, IA - 50272
- Wilton, IA - 52778
- Winfield, IA - 52659
- Winterset, IA - 50273
- Winthrop, IA - 50682
- Wiota, IA - 50274
- Woden, IA - 50484
- Woodbine, IA - 51579
- Woodburn, IA - 50275
- Woodward, IA - 50276
- Woolstock, IA - 50599
- Worthington, IA - 52078
- Wyoming, IA - 52362
- Yale, IA - 50277
- Yarmouth, IA - 52660
- Yorktown, IA - 51656
- Zearing, IA - 50278
- Zwingle, IA - 52079
Iowa Payroll Services
Payroll Service Directory and Price Quotes

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Iowa Payroll Service Companies
ADP - Automatic Data Processing, Inc
4900 University Ave
West Des Moines IA 50266515-280-8100
ADP - Automatic Data Processing, Inc
3737 Woodland Ave W
Des Moines IA 50301888-217-9321
ADP - Automatic Data Processing, Inc
1020 South St
Burlington IA 52601319-753-2545
Barb's Accounting & Payroll Service
608 7th St
Fort Madison IA 52627319-372-2448
Central Iowa Payroll
501 W 3rd St N
Newton IA 50208641-792-6994
Heritage Payroll Services
1501 Ingersoll Ave
Des Moines IA 50309515-243-5000
Hogan-Hansen, PC, CPA
2750 1st Ave NE
Cedar Rapids IA 52402319-366-8267
Kooyman Tax Service
201 S Clinton St
Iowa City IA 52240319-337-4829
Pay Tech Solutions, LLC
3534 Jersey Ridge RD
Davenport IA 52807563-355-3333
Paychex, Inc
2637 S 158th Plaza Omaha
Davenport IA 52801800-671-0964
Paychex, Inc
2637 S 158th Plz Omaha
Sioux City IA 51101800-671-0964
Payroll Services of Iowa
617 Duff Ave
Ames IA 50010515-232-5642
Pro/Data Payroll Services
2435 Kimberly RD
Bettendorf IA 52722563-355-6412
Schabacker Accounting & Payrol Services
202 1st St SE
Mason City IA 50401641-421-8600
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